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Transport Services
The relevant provisions of the product stream shipment
Updated:2015-11-07    Click:

In order to regulate the product shipped responsibilities and obligations, to ensure the timely delivery of product safety, reduce costs, the study of the development of the following provisions.
First, the market for sales staff and customers do mention the reported demand plan for review, compliance with delivery conditions for open, according to the invoice and product shipped an order, pay full shipping staff.
Second, the product shipped shipping single member according to market requirements to do, to follow the safe, fast, efficient and reasonable costs of principle, the first time the issue of goods, and is responsible for tracking cargo information, collecting money for the recovery work.
Third, shipment way and principles:
1, shipping logistics should choose a good reputation, excellent service, short time, low prices logistics company, the same situation a direct line preference shipping, logistics costs single business: the province and not more than 500 km (inclusive) logistics costs does not exceed the minimum sales price of the same period of 3 percent, more than 500 kilometers of no more than 4%, more than 1000 km of not more than 5% of the sale price above the minimum price, the excess portion may be higher than the standard shipping.
2, for the value of the amount of large customer pressed for time served (ie door to door) can be rented by the way direct cargo vehicle logistics information contact, but the freight can not exceed the value of the same place under the same conditions with the logistics company shipping fee 20%.
3, in line with the social rented vehicle delivery came, the freight is calculated as follows; among the best route according to a map published by the country marked the formal delivery destination city in two places, according to the destination plus 20 kilometers of the capital city; 10 km prefecture-level cities plus calculation, more than four tons of goods per vehicle trips vehicle kilometer 3.6 yuan, more than eight tons of vehicle kilometers by 5.4 yuan.
4, shipping volume, delivery staff can temporarily rent a vehicle according to the situation of social commitment to short-distance transport logistics company, cost control at every trips less than 800 kg when goods within 60 yuan per vehicle trips carrier is responsible for loading and unloading vehicles plus 10 yuan, but the cost is not exceeding the first one of the provisions of this paragraph.
5, special circumstances or new development customers, to ensure cargo security need salespeople peers with the goods, do a written application by the sales company or market, approved by the general manager, who is responsible for contacting rented by the shipping community sent a car to send a vehicle or by the company cargo door, the cost is not more restrictions.
Fourth, through the delivery staff to contact existing shipping resources can not meet the conditions required for product shipping orders or shipping costs exceed specified above. Members to inform the market of products shipped to do the first time, in consultation with the Office of the market sales or customer requirements change delivery conditions.
Fifth, the shipping product liability
1, shipping logistics companies who need to understand credit and credit evaluation, social vehicle for hire or retain contracts required formalities.
2, the product is responsible for shipping the product shipped and the collection of security responsibility payment, in case of shipping goods lost, damaged, wrong hair, by the bear corresponding liability losses and the corresponding responsibility or sector links;
3, on behalf of the responsibility for the collection of receivables, the province no more than 10 days, no more than 20 days outside the province, such as the collection is not on time, press the thousandth day collecting amounts deducted responsible.
4. In case of carriage or vehicle logistics companies escape the collapse of business losses caused by the purchase price can be reported prosecution, bear 10% of the losses by the responsible person, the prosecution can not bear more than 50% of losses.
Sixth, the costs and responsibility assessment approved
1, the product shipping costs and applicable manner, with reference to this provision on a monthly basis by the Finance approved orders and shipping logistics shipping document and shipping fees written off accordingly.
2, responsibility assessment by the market to do a monthly assessment of the delivery staff.
Seven, Supply Section and other relevant departments of the goods shipped and purchased the application of this provision.
8. These provisions from July 1, 2011.

                    Liaocheng Wuhuan Machinery Co., Ltd.
